Supersonic Tank Cats

Supersonic Tank Cats is a Mario Kart styled game themed around cats who wear weaponized vehicles.

TL;DR at bottom.


Supersonic Tank Cats is very reminiscent of the Mario Kart rally racing genre of games. It is almost immediately recognizable as such, but the cute aesthetic of the game makes it unique enough to be worth playing. There are currently nine different cats, each with their own specialties, look, and vehicle. Every one of them are adorably drawn and have great designs. They don’t look exactly the same during gameplay, but it is difficult to translate details and design from a 2D drawing to a 3D model.

There is a good selection of levels at this point in the game, each with their own theme and look. The locations are varied, albeit unrelated to each other. They tend to be relatively bland however, the environment is usually barren or just undetailed.

This game is still in Early Access and the developer is active in updating the game further, so these discrepancies can be excused for the time being. There is a good variety of game modes to keep you entertained as well, although they don’t offer as much as I would have hoped at this point in the game. I experienced two crashes in the time I played, they both occured on a single level. This is just a bug from the game being in such early access, and I was told by the developer that they would do their best to find the source of the issue. Support for the game is great, and I have hope for the future and development further into Early Access.



The graphics in Supersonic Tank Cats look decent at this stage in the developmental process. The 2D art style in the menus is very cute and looks great, it helps expound upon each cat’s personality. The levels look good enough, they convey the theme they are going for through the environment. As I said before, the levels are barren but I think that can be improved as it progresses through Early Access. Textures definitely need some work but they do a good job at the current point of the game.



Music and sound effects are sorely lacking in this game. I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) but the audio side of the game isn’t the main focus of the developer at this point, instead taking initiative on functionality and other things, which makes sense from a development standpoint. There are enough sound effects that the game doesn’t have eerie silence, and there is enough music to keep you entertained. I hope and expect that this will be improved upon in the future.



Supersonic Tank Cats is a cute and unique take on the Mario Kart genre of racing games. It is still in very Early Access, but with an active developer this game has great potential. The graphics are cute and there are plenty of different cats to experiment with. The controls aren’t the greatest, but with time many of the gripes I had should improve.

Overall: 6/10 – Recommended (Further into Early Access)



+Cute art style

+Good selection of characters

+Active development


-Buggy, crashes

-Stages are kind of boring

-Not many sound effects

Check out my gameplay of Supersonic Tank Cats below to get a better idea of the game.



