DLU Singleplayer Updates

Invalid File Path Issue (OneDrive)

Due to the way the server works on Windows, it is not able to read spaces in the file path. You may encounter an error when running MasterServer that the file is not found. It may also suggest you confirm you are not working out of OneDrive.

Invalid Example: C:\Users\John Smith\Documents\DLU

If there is a space in your Windows username or you are in a OneDrive folder, the DLU folder will need to be moved. The easiest place to move it is to the root of your C: drive. You may need to open the four .exe files again to allow them through Defender since their location has changed.

  1. Open File Explorer
  2. Copy (or cut) the DLU folder with the client and game server files.
  3. Click on This PC
  4. Select the C: Local Disk option.
  5. Paste the DLU folder in this folder.
  6. The path to the DLU folder should be listed as C:\DLU


LAN multiplayer (different devices connecting to the game server from the same local internet connection) can be enabled with a few modifications. Use caution when enabling this option; only allow trusted users to connect, and stop the server from running when it is not in use. These changes can be made after you have finished the tutorial.

  1. Allow the four .exe files through your Windows Firewall (for private networks) if you have not already. This can be changed from the “Allow an app through Windows Firewall” setting in Windows.
  2. Open Command Prompt and enter: ipconfig
    • Locate and copy the IPv4 address for your primary internet connection.
    • For most local networks, the IP will start with 192.168
  3. Edit sharedconfig.ini in the server folder and change the “external_ip=” line from localhost to your IP address from step 2. Make sure to save the file when done.
  4. Edit authconfig.ini in the server folder and change the “dont_use_keys=” value from 0 to 1.
  5. Edit boot.cfg in the client folder to change the “server_ip=” value from local host to your IP address from step 2.
  6. Have your friend(s) download the game client on their computer and match what your boot.cfg file looks like.
  7. Create an account for your friend so they can login:
    • Repeat the process at 16:10 in the video to open up MasterServer to create another account.
    • Enter the desired username and password that your friend would like to use for logging in.
    • If asked for the permissions level of the account, enter 0.
    • Repeat as needed for each account.
  8. Start the server as normal and you should now be running a LAN server!